Just picture this: You’re at a pet shop and now is that time when weevils are like popsicles–for all your pets. Who can tell, perhaps your pets are hankering after some creepy-crawly action. Mealworms maybe peculiar, but they’re becoming part and parcel of life in the pet world. To many animals, bugs are their favourite snack and they rate at the top of the list for treats. Read more now on premium feeders.
If you keep a reptile, it’s probably as happy as can be to see these squirmy morsels. This is their idea of heaven, a squirming snack to gobble down alongside a cup of tea (or mineral water). They are packed with protein. Lizards love you for it. It’s not just our scaled brothers, you understand. Birds, being birds, see these juicy morsels as splendid meal disguises rather than concealed feasts.
To some people, naturally, a bag of bugs isn’t their bag. I understand that. Yet to pets they are so very irresistible! Dogs have their bones, cats their catnip. As for birds–they grab on to these sinuous little treats as if watching afternoon soaps on TV. For avians, to see a mealworm instantly engulfs is a show.
When one declares that hedgehogs are partial to such wrigglers, it could hardly draw the slightest doubt. Imagine a hedgehog with snack in mouth, visibly enjoying life. They partake of a banquet with wild enthusiasm that is sheer charm to see.
A basic issue is storing them. Where on earth do you put the things? No problem! You don’t need to worry about the fridge anymore. Store them where it’s cool and dry and they won’t let you down for a great while. Just be sure to keep them comfortable–not overly hot or cold, as Goldilocks said about her porridge.
The elephant in the room is, of course, live or dried? This is a matter of preference. Or hope and preference, I should say. Live mealworms stir things up a bit for pets by wriggling. Dried mealworms are pet popcorn–for the sack. No matter which way you go, there will be no losers around here.
When purchasing mealworms, be sure to patronize reliable sources. You don’t wish to give your beloved critter a living abstraction. Quality over quantity prevails here. Buying cheap could mean cutting corners when it comes to health. Just letting you know.
Adding mealworms to a pet’s diet is an express ticket to that pet’s heart. The evidence lies in the way they now wag their tails or flop their wings. Therefore, why don’t you step out for some mealworms? Your pets might even board the bandwagon with you, or at the very least be hopping up and down for joy.